class APyFloat¶
Public Functions
template<typename RANDOM_ACCESS_ITERATOR>
inline void copy_n_from(RANDOM_ACCESS_ITERATOR src_it, std::size_t n) noexcept¶ Copy
items fromit
template<typename RANDOM_ACCESS_ITERATOR>
inline void copy_n_to(RANDOM_ACCESS_ITERATOR dst_it, std::size_t n) const noexcept¶ Copy
items from*this
inline bool same_type_as(const APyFloat &other) const¶
Test if two floating-point numbers have the same bit specifiers.
inline APyFloatSpec spec() const noexcept¶
Retrieve the bit specification.
explicit APyFloat(bool sign, exp_t exp, man_t man, std::uint8_t exp_bits, std::uint8_t man_bits, std::optional<exp_t> bias = std::nullopt)¶
Constructor with optional bias, all fields are set. If no bias is given, an IEEE-like bias will be used.
APyFloat(bool sign, exp_t exp, man_t man, std::uint8_t exp_bits, std::uint8_t man_bits, exp_t bias)¶
Constructor setting all fields, no optionals.
APyFloat(const APyFloatData &data, std::uint8_t exp_bits, std::uint8_t man_bits, exp_t bias)¶
Constructor setting data fields using a struct, mostly used by the APyFloatArray class
APyFloat(std::uint8_t exp_bits, std::uint8_t man_bits, std::optional<exp_t> bias = std::nullopt)¶
Constructor where only the format is specified, with an optional bias. Data fields are initialized to zero. If no bias is given, an IEEE-like bias will be used.
APyFloat(std::uint8_t exp_bits, std::uint8_t man_bits, exp_t bias)¶
Constructor only specifying the format, data fields are initialized to zero.
double to_double() const¶
Cast to double.
operator double() const¶
APyFloat cast(std::optional<int> exp_bits, std::optional<int> man_bits, std::optional<exp_t> bias = std::nullopt, std::optional<QuantizationMode> quantization = std::nullopt) const¶
Cast method exposed to Python.
APyFloat _cast(std::uint8_t exp_bits, std::uint8_t man_bits, exp_t bias, std::optional<QuantizationMode> quantization = std::nullopt) const¶
Internal cast method when format is given fully.
APyFloat _cast(std::uint8_t exp_bits, std::uint8_t man_bits, exp_t bias, QuantizationMode quantization) const¶
Internal cast method when format and quantization mode is given.
APyFloat _checked_cast(std::uint8_t exp_bits, std::uint8_t man_bits, exp_t bias, QuantizationMode quantization) const¶
Core cast method when it is known that the bit widths are not the same.
void cast_mantissa(std::uint8_t man_bits, QuantizationMode quantization)¶
Change the number of mantissa bits. The number is assumed not be NaN or Inf. The exponent is updated in case of carry.
void cast_mantissa_shorter(std::uint8_t man_bits, QuantizationMode quantization)¶
Decrease (not increase) the number of mantissa bits. The number is assumed not be NaN or Inf. The exponent is updated in case of carry.
void cast_mantissa_subnormal(std::uint8_t man_bits_delta, QuantizationMode quantization)¶
Change the number of mantissa bits. The number is assumed not be NaN or Inf. The exponent is assumed to be 0 and is updated in case of carry.
APyFloat cast_no_quant(std::uint8_t exp_bits, std::uint8_t man_bits, std::optional<exp_t> bias = std::nullopt) const¶
Cast to a larger format.
Change the number of mantissa and exponent bits for cases where it is known that quantization does not happen, i.e., the resulting number of bits is not shorter.
APyFloat cast_no_quant(std::uint8_t exp_bits, std::uint8_t man_bits, exp_t bias) const¶
Change the number of mantissa and exponent bits for cases where it is known that quantization does not happen, i.e., the resulting number of bits is not shorter.
APyFloat cast_from_double(std::uint8_t exp_bits, std::uint8_t man_bits, exp_t bias) const¶
Simplified casting when the input is known to correspond to a double. Values too large will become infinity, and not saturate depending on the quantization mode.
APyFloat _cast_to_double() const¶
Simplified casting when the input is known that the result will correspond to a double.
std::string str() const¶
String representation.
std::string repr() const¶
Python representation.
std::string latex() const¶
LaTeX representation.
bool operator==(const double rhs) const¶
bool operator!=(const double rhs) const¶
bool operator<=(const double rhs) const¶
bool operator<(const double rhs) const¶
bool operator>=(const double rhs) const¶
bool operator>(const double rhs) const¶
inline bool is_normal() const¶
True if and only if value is normal (not zero, subnormal, infinite, or NaN).
inline bool is_finite() const¶
True if and only if value is zero, subnormal, or normal.
inline bool is_subnormal() const¶
True if and only if value is subnormal.
inline bool is_zero() const¶
True if and only if value is zero.
inline bool is_nan() const¶
True if and only if value is NaN.
inline bool is_inf() const¶
True if and only if value is infinite.
inline bool is_max_exponent() const¶
True if and only if value is infinite or NaN.
inline bool is_zero_exponent() const¶
True if and only if value is zero or subnormal.
inline bool get_sign() const¶
Return the stored sign.
inline man_t get_man() const¶
Return the stored mantissa, i.e. without leading one.
inline exp_t get_exp() const¶
Return the stored exponent, i.e. with bias added.
inline exp_t get_bias() const¶
Return the bias.
inline std::uint8_t get_man_bits() const¶
Return the bit width of the mantissa field.
inline std::uint8_t get_exp_bits() const¶
Return the bit width of the exponent field.
inline std::uint8_t get_bits() const¶
Return the bit width of the entire floating-point format.
inline APyFloatData get_data() const noexcept¶
Return all data fields packed in a struct.
inline man_t true_man() const¶
Return the mantissa with potential leading one.
inline std::int64_t true_exp() const¶
Return the mantissa with potential leading one.
inline void set_data(const APyFloatData &data)¶
Set the data fields using a struct.
inline void set_sign(bool new_sign)¶
Set the sign.
inline void set_to_zero(bool new_sign)¶
Set floating-point object to positive or negative zero.
inline void set_to_zero()¶
Set floating-point object to zero.
inline void set_to_inf()¶
Set floating-point object to infinity.
inline void set_to_nan()¶
Set floating-point object to NaN.
APyFloat construct_zero(std::optional<bool> new_sign = std::nullopt) const¶
Factory method for creating a floating-point object in the same format with a value of positive or negative zero.
APyFloat construct_inf(std::optional<bool> new_sign = std::nullopt) const¶
Factory method for creating a floating-point object in the same format with a value of positive or negative infinity.
APyFloat construct_nan(std::optional<bool> new_sign = std::nullopt, man_t payload = 1) const¶
Factory method for creating a floating-point object in the same format with a value of NaN.
APyFloat &update_from_bits(nb::int_ python_long_int_bit_pattern)¶
Update data fields based on a bit pattern.
bool is_identical(const APyFloat &other) const¶
Test if two floating-point numbers are identical, i.e., has the same value, and the same format
APyFloat cast_to_double(std::optional<QuantizationMode> quantization = std::nullopt) const¶
Convenience method when target format is known to correspond to a double-precision floating-point
APyFloat cast_to_single(std::optional<QuantizationMode> quantization = std::nullopt) const¶
Convenience method when target format is known to correspond to a single-precision floating-point
APyFloat cast_to_half(std::optional<QuantizationMode> quantization = std::nullopt) const¶
Convenience method when target format is known to correspond to a half-precision floating-point
APyFloat cast_to_bfloat16(std::optional<QuantizationMode> quantization = std::nullopt) const¶
Convenience method when target format is known to correspond to a 16-bit brain float
APyFloat next_up() const¶
Get the smallest floating-point number in the same format that compares greater.
APyFloat next_down() const¶
Get the largest floating-point number in the same format that compares less.
inline exp_t exp_mask() const¶
Create a bit mask for the exponent field.
inline exp_t max_exponent() const¶
Calculate the maximum value for the exponent field.
inline exp_t ieee_bias() const¶
Calculate the IEEE-like bias for this particular format.
inline man_t man_mask() const¶
Create a bit mask for the mantissa field.
inline man_t leading_one() const¶
Create a bit mask for the leading one.
Public Static Functions
static void create_in_place(APyFloat *apyfloat, int sign, exp_t exp, man_t man, int exp_bits, int man_bits, std::optional<exp_t> bias = std::nullopt)¶
Factory function for Python interface.
static APyFloat from_number(const nb::object &py_obj, int exp_bits, int man_bits, std::optional<exp_t> bias = std::nullopt)¶
Create APyFloat from Python object.
static APyFloat from_double(double value, int exp_bits, int man_bits, std::optional<exp_t> bias = std::nullopt)¶
Create APyFloat from double.
static APyFloat from_integer(const nb::int_ value, int exp_bits, int man_bits, std::optional<exp_t> bias = std::nullopt)¶
Create APyFloat from Python integer.
static APyFloat from_fixed(APyFixed value, int exp_bits, int man_bits, std::optional<exp_t> bias = std::nullopt)¶
static APyFloat from_bits(nanobind::int_ python_long_int_bit_pattern, int exp_bits, int man_bits, std::optional<exp_t> bias = std::nullopt)¶
Create APyFloat from bit-representation.
static APyFloat one(std::uint8_t exp_bits, std::uint8_t man_bits, std::optional<exp_t> bias = std::nullopt)¶
Create an APyFloat with the stored value one.
Create a floating-point object with the value one.
static APyFloat pow(const APyFloat &x, const APyFloat &y)¶
Power function with another APyFloat as the exponent.
static inline exp_t ieee_bias(std::uint8_t exp_bits)¶
Calculate the IEEE-like bias based on the number of exponent bits.
- friend class APyArray
template<typename RANDOM_ACCESS_ITERATOR>