Array functions

Array creation functions

apytypes.zeros(shape: tuple[int, ...], int_bits: int | None = None, frac_bits: int | None = None, bits: int | None = None, exp_bits: int | None = None, man_bits: int | None = None, bias: int | None = None, force_complex: bool | None = None) APyFixedArray | APyCFixedArray | APyFloatArray

Create an array of shape with all zeros.

Word lengths need to be specified and the return type is deduced from the bit specifiers. Either specify exactly two of three from int_bits, frac_bits, and bits, for APyFixedArray, or specify both exp_bits and man_bits for APyFloatArray. Specify force_complex to retrieve a complex-valued array type.

shapetuple of int

Shape of the array.

int_bitsint, optional

Number of fixed-point integer bits.

frac_bitsint, optional

Number of fixed-point fractional bits.

bitsint, optional

Number of fixed-point bits.

exp_bitsint, optional

Number of floating-point exponential bits.

man_bitsint, optional

Number of floating-point mantissa bits.

biasint, optional

Exponent bias. If not provided, bias is 2**exp_bits - 1.

force_complexbool, optional

Retrieve the complex-valued array type, APyCFixedArray for fixed-point and APyCFloatArray for floating-point.

resultAPyFloatArray or APyFixedArray or APyCFixedArray

The initialized array with zeros.

apytypes.ones(shape: tuple[int, ...], int_bits: int | None = None, frac_bits: int | None = None, bits: int | None = None, exp_bits: int | None = None, man_bits: int | None = None, bias: int | None = None, force_complex: bool | None = None) APyFixedArray | APyCFixedArray | APyFloatArray

Create an array of shape with all ones (stored value).

Word lengths need to be specified and the return type is deduced from the bit specifiers. Either specify exactly two of three from int_bits, frac_bits, and bits, for APyFixedArray, or specify both exp_bits and man_bits for APyFloatArray. Specify force_complex to retrieve a complex-valued array type.

shapetuple of int

Shape of the array.

int_bitsint, optional

Number of fixed-point integer bits.

frac_bitsint, optional

Number of fixed-point fractional bits.

bitsint, optional

Number of fixed-point bits.

exp_bitsint, optional

Number of floating-point exponential bits.

man_bitsint, optional

Number of floating-point mantissa bits.

biasint, optional

Exponent bias. If not provided, bias is 2**exp_bits - 1.

force_complexbool, optional

Retrieve the complex-valued array type, APyCFixedArray for fixed-point and APyCFloatArray for floating-point.

resultAPyFloatArray or APyFixedArray or APyCFixedArray

The array initialized filled with ones.

apytypes.eye(n: int, m: int | None = None, int_bits: int | None = None, frac_bits: int | None = None, bits: int | None = None, exp_bits: int | None = None, man_bits: int | None = None, bias: int | None = None, force_complex: bool | None = None) APyFixedArray | APyCFixedArray | APyFloatArray

Return a 2-D array with ones (stored value) on the main diagonal and zeros elsewhere.

Word lengths need to be specified and the return type is deduced from the bit specifiers. Either specify exactly two of three from int_bits, frac_bits, and bits, for APyFixedArray, or specify both exp_bits and man_bits for APyFloatArray. Specify force_complex to retrieve a complex-valued array type.


Number of rows in the output.

mint, optional

Number of columns in the output. If None, defaults to n.

int_bitsint, optional

Number of fixed-point integer bits.

frac_bitsint, optional

Number of fixed-point fractional bits.

bitsint, optional

Number of fixed-point bits.

exp_bitsint, optional

Number of floating-point exponential bits.

man_bitsint, optional

Number of floating-point mantissa bits.

biasint, optional

Exponent bias. If not provided, bias is 2**exp_bits - 1.

force_complexbool, optional

Retrieve the complex-valued array type, APyCFixedArray for fixed-point and APyCFloatArray for floating-point.

resultAPyFloatArray or APyFixedArray or APyCFixedArray

An array where all elements are equal to zero, except for the k-th diagonal, whose values are equal to one.

apytypes.identity(n: int, int_bits: int | None = None, frac_bits: int | None = None, bits: int | None = None, exp_bits: int | None = None, man_bits: int | None = None, bias: int | None = None, force_complex: bool | None = None) APyFixedArray | APyCFixedArray | APyFloatArray

Return the identity array.

Word lengths need to be specified and the return type is deduced from the bit specifiers. Either specify exactly two of three from int_bits, frac_bits, and bits, for APyFixedArray, or specify both exp_bits and man_bits for APyFloatArray. Specify force_complex to retrieve a complex-valued array type.


Number of rows and columns in output.

int_bitsint, optional

Number of fixed-point integer bits.

frac_bitsint, optional

Number of fixed-point fractional bits.

bitsint, optional

Number of fixed-point bits.

exp_bitsint, optional

Number of floating-point exponential bits.

man_bitsint, optional

Number of floating-point mantissa bits.

biasint, optional

Exponent bias. If not provided, bias is 2**exp_bits - 1.

force_complexbool, optional

Retrieve the complex-valued array type, APyCFixedArray for fixed-point and APyCFloatArray for floating-point.

resultAPyFloatArray or APyFixedArray or APyCFixedArray

n x n array with ones (stored value) on the main diagonal and zeros elsewhere.

apytypes.full(shape: tuple[int, ...], fill_value: APyFixed | APyCFixed | APyFloat | int | float, int_bits: int | None = None, frac_bits: int | None = None, bits: int | None = None, exp_bits: int | None = None, man_bits: int | None = None, bias: int | None = None) APyFixedArray | APyCFixedArray | APyFloatArray

Return a new array of given shape and type, filled with fill_value.

If fill_value is of type int or float, you must specify the word lengths. Either specify exactly two of three from int_bits, frac_bits, and bits, for APyFixedArray, or specify both exp_bits and man_bits for APyFloatArray. If fill_value is of type APyFloat or APyFixed, the array will use the provided word lengths only if specified, otherwise the word lengths are inherited from fill_value.


Shape of the array.

fill_valueAPyFloat or APyFixed or int or :class`float`

Fill value.

int_bitsint, optional

Number of fixed-point integer bits.

frac_bitsint, optional

Number of fixed-point fractional bits.

bitsint, optional

Number of fixed-point bits.

exp_bitsint, optional

Number of floating-point exponential bits.

man_bitsint, optional

Number of floating-point mantissa bits.

biasint, optional

Exponent bias. If not provided, bias is 2**exp_bits - 1.

resultAPyFloatArray or APyFixedArray

Array of all fill_value with the given shape.

apytypes.zeros_like(a: APyFixedArray | APyCFixedArray | APyFloatArray, int_bits: int | None = None, frac_bits: int | None = None, bits: int | None = None, exp_bits: int | None = None, man_bits: int | None = None, bias: int | None = None) APyFixedArray | APyCFixedArray | APyFloatArray

Return an array of all zeros with the same shape and type as a.

The type and bit-specifiers of the returned array can be overwritten through the bit-specifier arguments. To overwrite the type, either specify exactly two of three from int_bits, frac_bits, and bits, for APyFixedArray, or specify both exp_bits and man_bits for APyFloatArray.

aAPyFloatArray or APyFixedArray

The shape and data-type define these same attributes of the returned array.

int_bitsint, optional

Number of fixed-point integer bits.

frac_bitsint, optional

Number of fixed-point fractional bits.

bitsint, optional

Number of fixed-point bits.

exp_bitsint, optional

Number of floating-point exponential bits.

man_bitsint, optional

Number of floating-point mantissa bits.

biasint, optional

Exponent bias. If not provided, bias is 2**exp_bits - 1.

resultAPyFloatArray or APyFixedArray

The initialized array with all zeros.

apytypes.ones_like(a: APyFixedArray) APyFixedArray
apytypes.ones_like(a: APyCFixedArray) APyCFixedArray
apytypes.ones_like(a: APyFloatArray) APyFloatArray

Return an array of all ones (stored value) with the same shape and type as a.

The type and bit-specifiers of the returned array can be overwritten through the bit-specifier arguments. To overwrite the type, either specify exactly two of three from int_bits, frac_bits, and bits, for APyFixedArray, or specify both exp_bits and man_bits for APyFloatArray.

aAPyFloatArray or APyFixedArray

The shape and data-type of a define these same attributes of the returned array.

int_bitsint, optional

Number of fixed-point integer bits.

frac_bitsint, optional

Number of fixed-point fractional bits.

bitsint, optional

Number of fixed-point bits.

exp_bitsint, optional

Number of floating-point exponential bits.

man_bitsint, optional

Number of floating-point mantissa bits.

biasint, optional

Exponent bias. If not provided, bias is 2**exp_bits - 1.

resultAPyFloatArray or APyFixedArray

The array initialized filled with all ones.

apytypes.full_like(a: APyFixedArray | APyCFixedArray | APyFloatArray, fill_value: APyFixed | APyCFixed | APyFloat | int | float, int_bits: int | None = None, frac_bits: int | None = None, bits: int | None = None, exp_bits: int | None = None, man_bits: int | None = None, bias: int | None = None) APyFixedArray | APyCFixedArray | APyFloatArray

Return an array with all values initialized to fill_value, with the same shape and type as a.

The type and bit-specifiers of the returned array can be overwritten through the bit-specifier arguments. To overwrite the type, either specify exactly two of three from int_bits, frac_bits, and bits, for APyFixedArray, or specify both exp_bits and man_bits for APyFloatArray.

aAPyFloatArray or APyFixedArray

The shape and array type of the returned array.

fill_valueAPyFloat or APyFixed or int or float

The value to fill the array with.

int_bitsint, optional

Number of fixed-point integer bits.

frac_bitsint, optional

Number of fixed-point fractional bits.

bitsint, optional

Number of fixed-point bits.

exp_bitsint, optional

Number of floating-point exponential bits.

man_bitsint, optional

Number of floating-point mantissa bits.

biasint, optional

Exponent bias. If not provided, bias is 2**exp_bits - 1.

resultAPyFloatArray or APyFixedArray

Array filled with fill_value, having the same shape and type as a.

apytypes.arange(start: APyFixed | APyCFixed | APyFloat | int | float, stop: APyFixed | APyCFixed | APyFloat | int | float | None = None, step: APyFixed | APyCFixed | APyFloat | int | float = 1, int_bits: int | None = None, frac_bits: int | None = None, bits: int | None = None, exp_bits: int | None = None, man_bits: int | None = None, bias: int | None = None) APyFixedArray | APyCFixedArray | APyFloatArray

Create an array with evenly spaced values within a given interval.

The function can be called with varying number of positional arguments:

  • arange(stop): Values are generated within the half-open interval [0, stop) (in other words, the interval including start but excluding stop).

  • arange(start, stop): Values are generated within the half-open interval [start, stop).

  • arange(start, stop, step): Values are generated within the half-open interval [start, stop), with spacing between values given by step.

If no bit-specifiers are given, the array type is deduced based on start, stop, and step. In this case, all APyTypes scalars must be of the same format.

startint, float, APyFloat, APyFixed

Start number.

stopint, float, APyFloat, APyFixed, optional

Stop number.

stepint, float, APyFloat, APyFixed, optional

Step size in range.

int_bitsint, optional

Number of fixed-point integer bits.

frac_bitsint, optional

Number of fixed-point fractional bits.

bitsint, optional

Number of fixed-point bits.

exp_bitsint, optional

Number of floating-point exponential bits.

man_bitsint, optional

Number of floating-point mantissa bits.

biasint, optional

Exponent bias. If not provided, bias is 2**exp_bits - 1.

resultAPyFloatArray or APyFixedArray

Array with evenly spaced values within a given interval.

Array modification functions

apytypes.expand_dims(a: APyFixedArray | APyCFixedArray | APyFloatArray, axis: int | tuple[int, ...]) APyFixedArray | APyCFixedArray | APyFloatArray

Expand the shape of an array.

Insert a new axis that will appear at the axis position in the expanded array shape.

aAPyFloatArray, APyFixedArray, or APyCFixedArray

The array whose axes should be reordered.

axisint or tuple of ints

Position in the expanded axes where the new axis (or axes) is placed.

resultAPyFloatArray or APyFixedArray

copy of a with the number of dimensions increased.


>>> import apytypes as apy
>>> x = apy.APyFixedArray.from_float([1, 2], int_bits=5, frac_bits=0)
>>> x.shape
>>> y = apy.expand_dims(x, axis=0)
>>> y.to_numpy()
array([[1., 2.]])
>>> y.shape
(1, 2)
>>> y = apy.expand_dims(x, axis=1)
>>> y.to_numpy()
>>> y.shape
(2, 1)

axis may also be a tuple:

>>> y = apy.expand_dims(x, axis=(0, 1))
>>> y.to_numpy()
array([[[1., 2.]]])
>>> y = apy.expand_dims(x, axis=(2, 0))
>>> y.to_numpy()
apytypes.ravel(a: APyFixedArray | APyCFixedArray | APyFloatArray) APyFixedArray | APyCFixedArray | APyFloatArray

Return a copy of the array collapsed into one dimension.

Same as flatten() with current memory-copy model.

collapsedAPyFloatArray or APyFixedArray

copy of a but collapsed


>>> from apytypes import APyFloatArray
>>> signs = [[0, 0], [1, 1]]
>>> exps = [[127, 128], [128, 129]]
>>> mans = [[0, 0], [4194304, 0]]
>>> arr = APyFloatArray(signs=signs, exps=exps, mans=mans, exp_bits=8, man_bits=23)
>>> arr.to_numpy()
array([[ 1.,  2.],
       [-3., -4.]])
>>> arr.ravel().to_numpy()
array([ 1.,  2., -3., -4.])

apytypes.moveaxis(a: APyFixedArray | APyCFixedArray | APyFloatArray, source, destination) APyFixedArray | APyCFixedArray | APyFloatArray

Move axes of an array to new positions.

Other axes remain in their original order.

aAPyFloatArray or APyFixedArray

The array whose axes should be reordered.

sourceint or sequence of int

Original positions of the axes to move. These must be unique.

destinationint or sequence of int

Destination positions for each of the original axes. These must also be unique.

resultAPyFloatArray or APyFixedArray

Copy of array with moved axes.


import apytypes as apy

>>> x = apy.APyFixedArray.from_float([0] * 60, int_bits=2**16, frac_bits=0).reshape(
...     (3, 4, 5)
... )
>>> apy.moveaxis(x, 0, -1).shape
(4, 5, 3)
>>> apy.moveaxis(x, -1, 0).shape
(5, 3, 4)

These all achieve the same result:

>>> apy.transpose(x).shape
(5, 4, 3)
>>> apy.swapaxes(x, 0, -1).shape
(5, 4, 3)
>>> apy.moveaxis(x, [0, 1], [-1, -2]).shape
(5, 4, 3)
>>> apy.moveaxis(x, [0, 1, 2], [-1, -2, -3]).shape
(5, 4, 3)
apytypes.squeeze(a: APyFixedArray | APyCFixedArray | APyFloatArray, axis=None) APyFixedArray | APyCFixedArray | APyFloatArray | APyFixed | APyCFixed | APyFloat

Remove axes of length one from a.

aAPyFloatArray, APyFixedArray, or APyCFixedArray

Input data.

axisint or tuple of ints, optional

Selects a subset of the entries of length one in the shape.

squeezedAPyFloatArray, APyFixedArray, or APyCFixedArray

The input array, but with all or a subset of the dimensions of length 1 removed.


If axis is not None, and an axis being squeezed is not of length 1

apytypes.swapaxes(a: APyFixedArray | APyCFixedArray | APyFloatArray, axis1: int, axis2: int) APyFixedArray | APyCFixedArray | APyFloatArray

Interchange two axes of an array.

aAPyFloatArray or APyFixedArray

The array whose axes should be reordered.


First axis.


Second axis.

a_swapped APyFloatArray or APyFixedArray

Copy of a with axes swapped


>>> from apytypes import APyFloatArray
>>> x = APyFloatArray.from_float([[1, 2, 3]], exp_bits=5, man_bits=2)
>>> x.swapaxes(0, 1).to_numpy()
>>> x = APyFloatArray.from_float(
...     [[[0, 1], [2, 3]], [[4, 5], [6, 7]]], exp_bits=5, man_bits=3
... )
>>> x.to_numpy()
array([[[0., 1.],
        [2., 3.]],

       [[4., 5.],
        [6., 7.]]])
>>> x.swapaxes(0, 2).to_numpy()
array([[[0., 4.],
        [2., 6.]],

       [[1., 5.],
        [3., 7.]]])

Array utility functions

apytypes.convolve(a: APyFixedArray | APyCFixedArray | APyFloatArray, v: APyFixedArray | APyCFixedArray | APyFloatArray, mode: Literal['full', 'same', 'valid'] = 'full') APyFixedArray | APyCFixedArray | APyFloatArray

Return the discrete linear convolution of two one-dimensional arrays.

aAPyFloatArray or APyFixedArray

First one-dimensional array of length M

vAPyFloatArray or APyFixedArray

Second one-dimensional array of length N.

mode{‘full’, ‘same’, ‘valid’}, default: ‘full’

Return the full convolution for each point of overlap. The resulting single-dimensional shape will have length N + M - 1. Boundary effects occurs for points where the a and v do not overlap completely.


Return a convolution of length max(M, N). Boundary effects still occur around the edges of the result.


Return the convolution for each point of full overlap. The resulting single-dimensional shape will have length max(M, N) - min(M, N) + 1

convolvedAPyFloatArray or APyFixedArray

The convolved array.

apytypes.shape(arr: APyFixedArray | APyCFixedArray | APyFloatArray) tuple[int, ...]

Return the shape of an array.

arrAPyFloatArray or APyFixedArray

Input data.

tuple of int

Shape of the input array.


If the input does not have a shape attribute.